Prep Days at CVCEC

Our vocational Healthcare Programs at CVCEC prepare students for a professional career in the health care field. One of the objectives of our Health Care Programs is to meet industry and student needs by effectively incorporating knowledge and practical skills into the program. As for student needs, classroom work provides some insight into the demands of the industry, but they also require hands-on experience in this highly competitive job market. The hands-on experience is executed through practicums or stages within diverse clinical settings under the supervision of an instructor. These practicums are vital in developing students’ health promotion skills along with helping them to integrate their theoretical learning into practice.

The clinical setting is also an environment that produces a great deal of stress for students with emotions ranging from excitement to fear. So to ease these emotions, as the students head out this week on their first practicum within various health care settings including one in the Dominican Republic (lucky guys!), two of the teachers initiated preparation days. These prep days took place in the lab with medical and surgical scenarios along with head-to-toe assessments and the “do’s and don’ts” of the industry.

Good luck guys!!

Lisa Dobson – Teacher

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