You Never Know Where the Road Will Take You!

Are you looking for a new career? Are you not sure what you want to do? Perhaps Chateauguay Valley Career Educational Centre (CVCEC) is the place for you!
My name is Kim Tannahill and I am a teacher in the Health Care Department. I absolutely love my job. I am a graduate from the Home Health Care program at CVCEC. I started off as a young teenager not knowing what to do with my life. Taking that first step into CVCEC was daunting, although I believe it changed my life forever and it may change yours! I decided to take the Health Care program that was being offered in Ormstown when I was 18-years old. At first, I was a little shy, I had no idea what to expect. I remember feeling anxious about not knowing anyone. The teachers made great efforts to make everyone feel welcomed. It didn’t take long before I developed friendships that would last a lifetime. Looking back, I feel that the Home Health Care program gave me a sense of direction and purpose in my life. It wasn’t long before I fell in love with nursing. I soon graduated from the program and started working at the Huntingdon Hospital. Shortly after, I realized I wanted to be a nurse so I continued my education at John Abbott College, became a nurse and now I am a teacher. You never know where the road will take you. I cannot think of a better place to have started my career than CVCEC.

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