Heroes in our Midst (video)

Coming to work every day at CVCEC is always a happy event. The staff is great and the students are friendly and eager to learn which makes for an enjoyable work environment.

The Health Care teachers at the centre have always been greatly appreciated by our carpentry students whenever there has been a need for first aid to be performed. Considering the students are beginning their education journey in the carpentry program, at times they have turned to the Health Care teachers for care in attending to sliced fingers from chisels, throbbing thumbs from hammers and foreign objects settling into an eye.

This month, Debbi Templeton, our coordinator and teacher of the Health Care programs became our centre’s hero.   She saved the life of one our students. In the words of Debbi, the incident unfolded as follows:

“We had a serious event at our school this week, when a student choked on his lunch, became unconscious and fortunately using the Heimlich and back slaps, the object was dislodged and he survived. Those in the lunchroom at the time were unsure of what to do and many felt helpless. Many carpentry students had a sleepless night last night remembering this event.”

Realizing the helplessness that students felt, the Health Care team organized a “Hero in 30 minutes” workshop. This training session for students and staff covered three topics: Choking, Adult Chest compressions and using the AED (automated external defibrillator). Students and staff practiced the Heimlich manoeuver, chest compressions and how to install electrodes. The “Hero in 30 minutes” session succeeded in giving staff and students the knowledge and confidence required to recognize and respond to life threatening emergencies.

The Health Care team were able to turn a traumatic, life-threatening situation into a positive learning opportunity.

CVCEC Heath Care teachers rock!

Shelley Smythe

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