Haut-St-Laurent : Health & Social Services resource video

Knowing about local health and social services in your area is not always easy. Here is a one-stop resource video  about Health & Social Services available in the Haut-Saint-Laurent area. A multitude of bilingual services are at your disposal.

This informative bilingual resource video includes 22 groups, which range from services such as: educational, health care providers, childcare and much more. Contact information is available for each organization.

This video was created by the CECN (Chateauguay English Community Network) in partnership with the New Frontiers School Board (CLC ‘Community Learning Concepts’ approach model) and sponsored by the CHSSN (Community Health and Social Services Network). It was filmed during the CommuniT Nights du Haut-Saint-Laurent held at Howick Elementary in February 2016.

We also have a link to a similar resource video for the municipality of Chateauguay and surrounding areas.

video: Health & Social Services resources

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