Tip of the ‘Helmet’ to students & teachers

As the pedagogical consultant for Adult and vocational education, I thought it would be beneficial to spend some time in the shops to get  a better picture of what goes on in the auto mechanics and welding programs at Nova Career Centre. My hat goes off to the teachers of these programs and the dedication they show towards their student’s well- being and their success.  I was privileged to act as student for a day in each of these programs and have gained a new respect for the trades and the amount of energy and perseverance that is required to learn these skills. The teachers and students were so helpful and reassuring of my attempts at changing brakes and MIG welding that I never once felt that I should just give up. In fact, the atmosphere was so positive that if I didn’t already have a job I might consider a new career…

Thank you to all the students for teaching me and for the auto and welding department for allowing me this great opportunity.

Kelly Ryan (pedagogical consultant for Adult and Vocational Education – NFSB)

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