Working together for our Community

“The most important thing we can do is to work together because none of us are as good as all of us.” – D. Ness (HAECC, Centre Director)

Members of the Continuing Education team, the school board’s educational service team and members from our CLC (Community Learning Centre) team participated in a CISSS de la Monteregie-Ouest (CISSSMO) consultation on access to health and social services for English-speaking communities in the Monteregie-West.

The objectives of the day:

  • Present the organizational structure of the CISSSMO, its key partners, and the territory it covers.
  • Identify, share, and eventually plan promising practices for improving the delivery of the health and social services in English.
  • Give the CISSSMO’s partners an opportunity to get to know each other better.

A huge thank you to the all the partners who attended and gave their insights, and a special note to the organizing committee and the organizations they represent (CISSSMO, New Frontiers School Board, Community Health and Social Services Network, Monteregie-West Community Network, Assistance and & Referral Centre and Network Partnership Initiative (Vaudreuil).


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