Roofing at CVCEC

The evening group of the Construction Carpentry Program at CVCEC is closing in on the end of their year and is presently working on the Roofing module of the program of study.

Although the project is a complicated one, it can be very rewarding when the hard work starts to make sense as the project is assembled and the roof takes shape!

These are skills that can be used in all aspects of carpentry, and even if students have no intention of focusing on a career in roofs and roofing, measuring, cutting and assembling techniques can be of value, no matter what part of the trade students work in.

Throughout the module, the class discusses various styles, types and finishes of roofs, as well as typical problems that might be encountered

The project finally is moving into the final phases as the roof finish is applied, in this case, asphalt shingles.

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