A Smile is Contagious

I believe kindness, enjoyment, and humour is a door to success and I will try my best to open those doors with staff members, students and co-workers. A happy person enjoys life and has more chances for success. (Denis definitely keeps everyone laughing and smiling – that’s him dressed up for Halloween in the picture above.)

My evolution at NFSB

I started working in maintenance around 10 years ago.  I started at Gault Institute and Heritage Elementary.  I then graduated to the high schools HSB and CVR, and now I have continued on to adult education at CVCEC.  I even saw one student, Anthony Graton, through all his school years starting with Gault,  CVR, and then all the way to adult education.

Although the tasks were always similar, everything seems to move faster at CVCEC.  We are a great team that works together for the students.  It’s the people around you that make it a great place to be.

Shawn Rolfe:  Shawn is a good kid who works approximately 9 hours a week with me.  He is in a program with the SRSOR (Les Services de Réadaptation du Sud-Ouest et du Renfort).  Recently he had to change his routine due to staff changes, but I’m convinced that he will manage very well. I believe that this is an excellent program that will promote a higher self esteem and confidence in his life.

(He even has to work with longer handles).

Denis Vallières  Caretaker at CVCEC 

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