CLC Wrap-up: Nov-Dec

CLC Winter Wrap-Up

Santa Claus talks to NFSB
Santa Claus was able to talk with our students during 15 separate video conference sessions (20-30 minutes each), which included nine of our schools and students from Pre-Ks, kindergartens Learning Centers and the SFIS Adult learners group at HAECC. Students were able to ask questions, tell jokes, talk about the letters they sent, sing songs and explain to Santa what they would like to see under their tree on Christmas Eve. Santa also wanted to especially thank the NOVA students from the Interior Decorating and Visual Display program who decorated Santa’s office at the North Pole (located this year at 214 rue McLeod, in Chateauguay) into a picture perfect workspace during the video conferences.

QFA Food Forum
Did you know the Quebec Farmers Association hold a video conference once a month at HAECC? Every month different subject material is covered with a guest speaker (example this month was: Cover Crops). The next “Food Forum” is January 30th and the VC (video conference) is free and open to anyone. Hope to see you there!

Zumba @ HAECC
A few students at HAECC have started a Zumba fitness class after school on Monday & Wednesdays. Six students and a few staff members all meet in the conference room and follow along to Zumba on the Nintendo Wii.

Cardio Active
Cardio Active is busier than ever as over 30 people have registered to use the weight room. The weight room is open to the public Monday to Thursday (7:00 am to 9:00 pm) and Fridays (7:00 am to 4:00 pm). The cardio room is also available to the students and staff at HAECC.

Fitness fun for Tiny Tots
Are you interested in our “Tiny Tot” program? Our first session started in the beginning of November and ran for five weeks. The program is geared for children aged 2 to 6 years old. The CLC is definitely interested in looking to start another session in January, contact Jayme for more info:

Seeking Fitness instructors
We are looking for a new fitness instructor to teach classes in the evening. In the past we have had Zumba, Tai Chi, and Yoga. We are open to anything that the community may feel is viable, please contact Jayme if you are a certified instructor and want to teach a class at HAECC.

Breakfast for Learning Program @ Gault Institute
The Breakfast program has been in operation since the beginning of November, as approximately 40 students come for breakfast three days a week. The program has been a huge success to-date and we would like to thank the 10 parent-volunteers who are running the program; we couldn’t do it without their help!

After-school sports activities at Gault
Thank you to Shannon Carson, who recently did a wonderful job as a student gym teacher at Gault Institute. And we have more good news! Shannon will be back for the next couple of months, two afternoons a week, doing sports oriented activities with our Cycle 2 and 3 students. Thanks to Vie en Forme (Quebec En Forme) who gave our school a $3,000 grant to provide intramural activities to our students.

New dancing programs at Gault Institute
At the beginning of 2014, Neva Shelton’s school will offer four classical ballet dancing programs for children (from 3 to 12 years old) and contemporary dance for adults every Tuesday between 4:00 and 9:00 PM at Gault Institute.

MS Society of Canada
Starting in January, the MS Society of Canada will make its monthly ‘café-rencontre’ at Gault Institute on Wednesday evenings.

Gault Institute’ Cycle 2 and 3 students working collaboratively towards a good cause!
We have a project-based initiative, suggested by Free the Children, which is called “Scare Hunger”. Grade 3 Gault students challenged other grades to gather as many non-perishable food items as possible in order to give it to our own families in need. A total of 634 non-perishable items were collected over a two-week period and redistributed to 14 Gault families. Halloween baskets were decorated in the shape of scary Jack-O-Lanterns as parents were so grateful and happy to receive the unexpected phone call. Grade 6 students served as leaders in guiding the Grade 3 students to sort goods equally and fairly for the families. The students incorporated several cross-curricular concepts through this initiative as they learned about “needs versus wants”, calculating surface area when decorating boxes and categorizing the various food items into their proper food groups. The students agreed that this project fostered COOPERATION and RESPECT and really tied in well with our Character Ed. Program.

MGS on the VC bandwagon
Mary Gardner started using their Video Conference System (VC) as 30 students and their teachers went on virtual tour of a museum through their VC. After the experience even more teachers mentioned being eager to go on more virtual field trips.

Community based learning
Mary Gardner and Centennial Park Schools each had a presentation on community based service learning done by Ben Loomer, from LEARN Quebec, alongside Anthony Spadaccino (Chateauguay CLC Technician). MGS and CPS staff members were enthusiastic about the possibilities of utilizing the different types of services that are available in order to start some service based learning activities and in-turn connect these initiatives with the curriculum.

Happy Hanukkah
Jagdeep Trehin, NFSB Spiritual Animator, connected Billings and C.V.R. together via Skype for a Hanukkah Celebration activity by using our video conferencing technology (VC). The group at Billings participated in a cooking activity of traditional Hanukkah dishes whereas the C.V.R. students were able to watch and learn what in order for them to do in their class the following day.

Community Wednesdays celebrated the Holidays!
On December 4th, St. Willibrord held another Community Wednesday and all-time records were broken for their monthly event, as more than 350 people attended, 250 spaghetti meals were served and an impressive 28 groups had a table around the gym to animate and inform those who came. Bells were ringing when our very special guest walked in, Santa Claus himself! Photos were taken and gifts were given to all of the children who had a chance to meet with the jolly man in red. Irish dancers also entertained the crowd for a fun filled evening.

Money smarts
Chateauguay Valley Communities Nights wrapped up for our Fall session, and we are proud to announce that our Smart Women & Money Financial Seminar had 12 ladies get better informed of their financial options for the future.

C.V.R. Learning Centres & CLC Community Based Service Learning Project
Together students were able to volunteer in their community by raking leaves for some seniors in the Ormstown area. Thanks to the CLC, a total of 9 brand new rakes and many leaf bags were donated to the cause by local businesses very impressed with this initiative. A local businessman quoted “I would rather give something like this instead of money as it is helping the students connect with the community”.

Pathfinders find a new home
The C.V.R. CLC was approached to see about a partnership between the Pathfinders (Girl Guides of Canada) and the school to enable a location for teenage girls to meet together from all the surrounding municipalities. The group has already started and meet after school, every 2nd Tuesday. With this partnership we are hoping that more students will have an opportunity to join as late busses are also available.

Couldn’t do it without Joe
Thanks to CVR Grade 11 student, Joe Daigle, for volunteering his time at the Open House to help advertise the up-coming “after school Briggs & Stratton Motors porgram” in the New Year.

CLC Brochures coming out in January
Don’t forget the Winter CLC Brochures for Chateauguay, the Chateauguay Valley and Valleyfield will be coming out in January. Be sure to visit for a digital copy.

In the spotlight
Community Wednesdays also received some good news as they were recognized by Pierre Moreau, Liberal MNA for Châteauguay as he presented a $1,000 cheque to the organizing committee to help support the events. Community Wednesdays was recognized as an innovative collaborative project which brings together numerous stakeholders in an effort to build community awareness about services available to local families.


‘Community Learning Centres’ are partnerships that provide a range of services and activities, often beyond the school day, to help meet the needs of learners, their families, and the wider community. Their aim is to support the holistic development of citizens and communities. 

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