When NOVA does mean “New”

Increased registrations means sometimes getting new people in. That’s what happened recently in the Residential and Commercial Drafting, the Interior Decorating and Visual Display, and the High Pressure Welding programs.

The fast incoming cohorts of students (especially from the International ententes) forced us to look out for new prospects in these fields. We actually went on interviews during the Christmas Break, and with the help of the Human Resources staff, we have been lucky enough to find four marvellous individuals to bring the programs to a new level.

And by the way… they are first time teachers.

So how was your first experience?

I was very nervous on my first day teaching, it’s a different and challenging job. But my excitement about sharing my experiences and knowledge pushed away my fears and I am enjoying it every day!”, says Rachida El Aarfaoui, new teacher in Residential and Commercial Drafting.  And she’s coming back to familiar ground, “seven years ago I was a student in the same program I am teaching now. For me graduating from Nova was just a start because I never stopped learning.”

It’s the same vibe for Arij Abdul Rahim, also in Residential and Commercial Drafting.  “Before the class I was very excited about starting something new, and especially something that I have always aspired to do. I also felt like I had a big responsibility ahead of me. Steve (Davies, RCD teacher at NOVA) gave me the chance to enter the class by myself. He then joined me for a few minutes and later let me go ahead and lead the show. I remember feeling a bit nervous as I opened the door to go in. But as I introduced myself and looked at the faces of my students, the nervousness quickly disappeared. The class went by very smoothly“.  As any many new experience, and new teachers will all tell you this, time flies, as if in a bubble. “It was amazing how fast the three hours went by!

As for Joanne Coulombe, teacher in Interior Decorating and Visual Display, she had similar feelings, it seems, on her first day.  “I was nervous my first day, and the second. I found (the first day) very stressful having a deadline for students, at the same time having new students arrive” .  But all in all, another great experience… “ I like the job, I like the students, I am very willing to go that extra mile.”

Another recruit came to us, again one of our former students… Christine Harvey, she went through the High Pressure Welding program, but never expected THAT kind of… pressure!  “I have never been so nervous to start my first day on a job. It was overwhelming to remember everyone’s name and to understand their personal needs to gain experience out of specialized program. It wasn’t until day three that I have felt for the first time in my life, I am in my element. I knew exactly what I needed to do.”

“There are no words to describe how appreciative I am to have the opportunity to teach the High Pressure Welding course at Nova.”

No words, indeed.

But for us, it’s simply “Welcome to the Team”.


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