Chat with an Olympian, record student attendance, pen pals from Ghana, Montreal Impact kick it with our students and much more…

A chat with an Olympian, record student attendance, pen pals from Howick to Ghana and much more… CLC Wrap-up: News-notes (April)  

Record student attendance @ Trades in Motion
A record 4189 students made their way, during three days, through the Trades in Motion tents held in the parking lot of St. Willibrord School & CLC and this didn’t even count the numerous families and community members who came during the Open House on Wednesday evening. Here are some impressive stats from this year’s 3rd edition of Trades in Motion:
–          Students came from over 76 schools in the region.
–          Four local school boards partnered together for this project
–          29 interactive vocational kiosks had the students engaged from start to finish
–          Over 150 vocational teachers and students helped in their respective kiosks
–          Over 100 high school student volunteers from C.V.R, HSB along with L.P.P. each helped ensure the days ran smoothly.
–          Every school in our school board took part by sending students to the event.

(video link:       (2nd video:

We went to Ghana, Africa!
Howick Elementary Grades 3 & 4 students had a chance to visit a music class from Ghana (Africa) this past month. Our students were introduced to their new friends, by using their video conference system, and were shown some intriguing African instruments, learned how they were built, had a chance to hear what they sounded like and had a personal lesson of popular African dance moves from one of their high school students (video link: Both classes were able to ask and answer questions to one another about their schools and they finally decided to become “pen pal schools” in order for them to share more information about one other and continue their new-found cross-continent friendship.

To the Redpath museum and beyond
Grade seven C.V.R. students visited the Redpath Museum without leaving the comfort of their own school. Through the use of new technology (, students were able to experience a virtual tour of the Redpath Museum to look and learn a little more about Quebec’s diverse animals and plant life.  This interactive field trip was a success and teacher, Dave Furey, is already looking into future outings like this one. The possibilities are endless.

Meeting at the net!
A fun and spirited volleyball tournament was held between Arthur Pigeon & C.V.R.  Arthur Pigeon student, Kevin Smythe, organized the first of hopefully many future sports activities between the two local high schools. As part of his “Integrated Project”, he reached out to CVR through the Chateauguay Valley CLC and was able to get a volleyball team from CVR and two teams from Arthur Pigeon to participate. The students had a great time playing against one another and more importantly getting to know one another.

New school, same recipe for success with our Community Wednesday  
École Notre-dame-de-l’Assomption opened its doors for their first ever Community Wednesday in early April. The school was full bustling with action, as local community groups showcased their services and free face painting and a presentation from the local circus school entertained the crowd. Not to mention the $2 spaghetti dinner was a huge hit! (video link:

If you apply, you will receive!
A Community Based Service learning grant submitted by Melissa Ianniciello our ambitious music teacher at St. Willibrord School & CLC was approved (her 3rd successful grant application this year) to help engage students in innovative educational activities. This grant was for the Kaios Canada Blanket activity, which is a resource to raise awareness about aboriginal culture and history. It also provides for a speaker to come and do the blanket activity with 20 students.

Peace of mind
Meditation classes were open to the community for four-weeks in order to help teach mind-calm meditation techniques while discovering life-changing insights that sit at the heart of this unique meditation technique. The project was a joint effort done by the Chateauguay English Community Network (CECN), Health Canada, Community Health and Social Services Network (CHSSN) and Assistance and Referral Centre for Health and Social Services (A.R.C). The Chateauguay CLC was happy to help provide space for citizens take part in these unique workshops for our community.

An ‘Impact’ story
NFSB launched its Partnership with the Montreal Impact. Harmony School hosted a launch party, by welcoming technical director Matt Jordan and Impact goaltender Evan Bush. The students showed off their school spirit, singing their school song and demonstrating their drumming skills. Mr. Bush addressed the students by sharing his personal story while encouraging them to work hard and persevere towards their goals. Mr. Bush also answered students’ questions and looks forward to seeing them at the NFSB Match Day on May 10th at the Saputo Stadium.
(newspaper story:

Chatting with an Olympian
Canadian weightlifter Francis Luna Grenier talked to Gault Institute students about his career as an Olympic athlete. Our students were excited about meeting one of our Canadian Olympians and walked away with a message of hope and perseverance. Francis Luna Grenier demonstrated through his story that living ones dream is possible, but you have first believe in yourself, work extremely hard and do everything in your power to make it come true.

A new “Spin” on things
Gault Institute in partnership with Vie en Forme provides students with after-school sporting activities. We asked their trainer, Shannon Carson: ‘What is the impact of these activities on their health and well-being?’ She said: ‘Being physically active has benefits regarding their physical, social and mental well-being. This program allows children to get their 60 minutes of required daily physical activity, rather than sitting at home being sedentary.’ We have another great after-school activity just started at Gault Institute: spinning! This is offered by teacher Denyse Griffiths at Cité des Arts et des sports. Congratulations to all for your good workout!

Back in time
Le Musée de société des Deux-Rives (MUSO) offered a free historical activity to grade 5 & 6 students from Gault Institute. The students had an opportunity to learn about a unique historical time period of Upper and Lower Canada’s conflict with our American neighbours. Students learned about Canadian-American relations during that time period and then took part in a few creative workshops to learn even more.

The gift of life
The Huntingdon Rotary Club (April 2nd) held a blood clinic at the Huntingdon Adult Education & Community Centre (HAECC) as people from all over the community stopped by HAECC all afternoon and evening to donate for this great cause. Students and staff members from the centre got an opportunity to become donors as well and take part in the process. It was such a great success. We are hoping to have the Rotary Club return next year to do it again in the fall. HEMA Quebec successfully passed 95 people through the clinic which was well over our set goal of 65 donations.

Growing for a good cause
The Horticulture program at HAECC hosted their annual plant sale on April 26th and 27th. Even with the rain and the cold weather many people came and bought plants for their summer gardens. Melissa Sunshine Camp also held a garage sale to raise funds for their new day program.

‘Community Learning Centres’ are partnerships that provide a range of services and activities, often beyond the school day, to help meet the needs of learners, their families, and the wider community. Their aim is to support the holistic development of citizens and communities. 

Previous CLC What’s new? (wrap-ups):

– Alouettes share stories, health initiatives and nominate a deserving young person from your region and more. (March)

– Student made bobsleighs, Dr. Seuss, new spin bikes and more… (February)

– Student led-video conferencing, virtual trip to Alaska, skating rink in the school yard & much more. (January)

– CPS Community Wednesday, Vision now on-line, raising funds for the run and much more – (October)

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