A Smile is What You Will See!

A Smile is What You Will See!

I have met some pretty interesting people being at the front desk at CVCEC – so many stories I could tell!  Registration is probably my favorite part of my job, when a new (soon-to-be) student comes in to apply for one of our programs.  So shy and nervous, but I know that will change quickly. It’s hard not to go into the “mother” roll; to reassure the individual that going back to school is a great idea; to answer questions; to try and put their mind at ease and to help them through the process.  Many of our students are parents themselves, but (I think) when you are starting something new, it is nice to know that a helping hand is just a glance away!

A smile is what YOU will see when YOU first walk into Administration office at CVCEC. We are a pretty awesome team, if I do say so myself – come see for yourself –register for one of our vocational programs!

Nancy Hunter (Secretary)

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