I should probably be getting used to it by now… after all, this the 3rd(?) time?
I believe so, yes… the third time that we’ve had a class return from their 4-week stages and do a presentation before us – all their teachers and their classmates. Off they go to places such as the Olympia Tile, Fabricville, to Mobilia, Crescendo – a whole variety of related trade companies that, as graduates, they may come into contact with as they work along side with local architects or designers.
The students get thrown into the deep end pretty much – we, the teachers, know this, because their final academic responsibility requires them to prepare PowerPoint presentations. And so, we know. And albeit perfectly within their right, these pseudo employers can assign them any number of tasks and jobs. But, know what? It’s the learning experience – and they all – every one of them – come back with good humour, good cheer and the warmth of these companies extended to them, with good wishes and assistance for their immediate futures.
{8:30 AM} Regular class starting time, we assemble in the largest of our classroom facilities and participate in their stories. The awkwardness, the shyness – as they present to us a graphical story of their 4 weeks. It’s really quite wonderful! We, the teachers, feel a great sadness and at the time great pride – in knowing what these kids – mostly from China – have endured during the last 16 months. A frenetic devotion to classes and learning – not only the core subjects/modules, but mandatory French also. We tend to forget that they arrive for class at 8:30 AM each morning – continue on through the day until 3:00 PM and a half an hour later or so, they are immersed in French language course for 2 or 3 more hours.
And in the most part, they are here all alone – with only each other as a support system… I take my hat off to them.
And, yes – I am sad to see them go. Most are here for the long haul – hopefully to seek permanent residency and to build the rest of their lives here.
We are – all of us at NOVA – lucky indeed, to be a part, and to play a part, in the procession of these young lives and ambitions.
‘Sayonara’, I say – which is not Chinese – but does carry the right sentiment I believe. Bonne chance to all – and know that we, the teachers and administration of NOVA, are here for you if you need us.
Michael Moore
Teacher (Interior Decorating and Visual Display department).