Have you ever wanted to own your own business? Well our Starting a business program is booming with eager entrepreneurs ready to tackle the business world. A partnership between NFSB and College MAC (based in Montreal) is a half-a-year old and we’ve already graduated over (75) students from our first four groups.
This intensive 12-week program ensures that students have created a business plan which will guide them towards creating a successful model for their future company.
Bruce Kirby, one of our teachers in the program, mentioned how devoted and enthusiastic his students are, as some already own their company, others are ready to launch their company. While others are simply tinkering with an idea of owning their own business and want to ensure its viability and long-term success if they end up choosing to launch their dream.
We figured we’d share a little feedback from one of our students:
“It was a truly informative class, packed with much invaluable insights into starting our own business. I must admit I wasn’t expecting to receive so much info in such a short amount of time, and especially for the price, but life’s full of surprises. Once again thank you, and I’ll be in touch to let you know how things progress in the new year. All the best, Wes P.”
No doubt this fruitful partnership shall only continue to grow with College MAC in the New Year.
(photo 1: excursion to the Montreal Chamber of Commerce and teacher Bruce Kirby with a student.)
(photo 2: class photo with Mr. Kirby and the pot-luck lunch students had together.)