Arts Festival @ HSB, new partnership @ CPS, community evenings start up again and much more. (CLC News/Sept)

Miss Darla and CPS team up
September witnessed the grand opening of Miss Darla’s Preschool, based out of Centennial Park School. Families of 14 youngsters started with Miss Darla, as the tiny learners will work to be better prepared for their eventual transition into elementary schools in our region. NFSB is proud to be working in partnership with two private preschools Ms. Darla’s and Parkview Preschool at St. Willibrord in order to better serve families who have children aged 3-5 years old.

Evening for youth to express their talent in street art!
Saturday evening, September 27th, Howard S. Billings hosted in partnership with Le Forum Jeunesse (CRE Vallée-du-Haut-Saint-Laurent) an evening of urban youth art exhibits. The evening permitted youth to practice and hone their skills in dance, DJ, rap, mural making and graffiti art. Not only were youth able to participate in workshops they also performed their talents on stage

Life-long learners at it again.
The Chateauguay CLC has once again partnered up with Chateauguay English Community Network (CECN) to offer life-long learning classes such as creative writing, book clubs, computer courses and French conversation held at Nova Career Centre and St. Willibrord School.

Community Wednesdays are back!
The first Community Wednesday of the year was held at St.Willibrord School on October 1st. Kiosks were displayed around the gymnasium representing twenty-four different social service organizations. A fire truck was also on site including a mobile library from the city of Chateauguay. One community group also had a kids reading corner, reading both French and English books to the children. Over 12 student volunteers from both Howard S. Billings and Louis-Philippe-Pare high schools worked together to help volunteer during the event to ensure everything ran smoothly. The next Community Wednesday will be on November 5th at Centennial Park Elementary School.

Opportunity knocks
Four CVR students participated in a youth services cooperative `Jeunefficace` this past summer through Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi Huntingdon. This program opened up opportunities to work with students from Arthur Pigeon high school and the surrounding areas giving them exposure to opportunities to improve their French as a second language, discovering summer job options and gain experience in entrepreneurship.

Terry Fox Run
The CVR School/Community Terry Fox Run was held on September 25th under sunny skies. A total of $70.00 was donated on behalf of local citizens joining the students in their run.

Lots of action
CVR’s School/Community Volunteer Board is now up and running with students signing up who wish to volunteer in their community, for example: the Soirée Communautés HSL Community Nights, the Follow Your Dreams run and the annual Barrie Memorial Hospital Fundraiser. And there is a lot of action going on as, a multitude of CLC activities have started or are about to begin, such as: P.S. Boot Camp S.P., Irish Dance Classes, Yoga Classes at CVCEC, Caisse Desjardins Financial Literacy Workshops for Grade 11 students and Science Video Conferences held at CVR and O.E.S.

Running with a purpose
Students from Grades 1-2-3 from across the Chateauguay Valley attended a cross country run at the Huntingdon Adult Education Centre (HAECC) on Thursday September 18th. Young runners started to arrive shortly after 9am in order to prepare for the run, but before the first race began all the students gathered together for a fun warm up. The morning consisted of 6 races; each race was divided by age and gender. Following the races kids were offered healthy smoothies made by Jeunesse Rurale en Forme (Quebec En Forme) a local organization who helps with healthy initiatives and the promotion healthier life choices. Jeunesse Rurale en Forme showed the kids how good smoothies are and how easy they are to make at home. Throughout the morning we also had the HAECC sunshine class and the Melissa’s Sunshine group helping hand out handing out apples, water and free sunglasses! Congratulations to all the participants! The day was a great success and full of fun and healthy activities, thank you to all the volunteers who gave their time and a helping hand to organize this event.

Spinning is a hit!
It didn’t take long for the word to spread around the Chateauguay Valley that there are spinning classes being offered at the Huntingdon Adult Education Centre (HAECC). Due to popular demand of the spring 2013 spinning classes, the Huntingdon CLC decided to add on another session offering classes twice a week on Mondays & Thursdays. Our Monday class still have a few open bikes, and our Thursday class is currently at full capacity. Seeing as the spin bikes are so popular, one of the staff members at HAECC has started running lunch time classes for students and staff!

A great big THANK YOU to Mr. B!!!
Staff and students from Gault Institute would like to send a great big “THANK YOU!” to Mr. David Brisebois, who replaced Mr. Collin Thomas during his parental leave. Mr. B tore himself away from his position as Farmer & newly retired Principal to come help us out here at Gault. Mr. B totally immersed himself into Gault’s heart and culture. He showed his caring and compassion in all aspects of Gault life. He wiggled his way into the hearts of students, parents and staff alike. Thanks Mr. B, and enjoy your well-earned retirement!

Les 5 @ 7 communautaires are back in Salaberry-de-Valleyfield!
Bringing together numerous community organizations from the territory into one school gymnasium in order to build awareness of the services available to citizens is at the root of the project. Now in its second year in existence the first 5@7, was held at Gault Institute on September 28th as this year a few new wrinkles will be added to the project including visiting some new schools. Scheduled for the last Thursday of the month, over 20 community groups will be on hand, along with a free spaghetti dinner (voluntary donation welcomed). Inspired from the Chateauguay’s Community Wednesday, this particular project is spearheaded by the Gault Institute Community Learning Centre and by Projet Parents welcoming on average 200 families every time.
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Arbraska here we come
Students in Cycle 3 from Gault had an excellent outing to Arbraska. As a few of the objectives of this activity were to have students challenge themselves, perhaps overcome fears, encourage each other and help others succeed. We believe this was a great way to learn to work together and to get us started on a successful year. Everybody loved this activity!


‘Community Learning Centres’ are partnerships that provide a range of services and activities, often beyond the school day, to help meet the needs of learners, their families, and the wider community. Their aim is to support the holistic development of citizens and communities.

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