Heroes, skating rink and financial literacy…

CLC Wrap-up: News-notes (Dec. 2014). We celebrate community heroes, the schoolyard skating rink is ready and financial literacy is a priority and much more. 

Financial Literacy workshops at NOVA and St.Willibrord
In November, the Chateauguay CLC partnered with the CECN (Chateauguay English Community Network) and held two “lunch and learn – financial literacy” workshops. These events were organized in a way to help individuals understand the fundamentals of money management. 21 students from NOVA participated in one workshop at our adult centre and 26 community members came to the training at St.Willibrord School & CLC.

Community Wednesday has a special visit from Santa!
On December 3rd, Mary Gardner School opened its doors for the first time ever for their own ‘Community Wednesday’. The evening was filled with laughter and joy when Santa came to visit delivering gifts to the community. Children had their faces painted and were able to take a photo with Santa. Over 400 people filled the gymnasium and cafeteria, enjoying the activities and learning about the local social services available.

Houston, how’s the weather?
Students from Mary Gardner are working on a project with students from Texas, as they compare the weather in Quebec with the weather in Houston, Texas.  Three grade 1 classes from MGS were paired up with three grade 1 classes from Texas. Students discussed how they dress, the activities they do during the year due to the weather, and the difference between Fahrenheit and Celsius. They even shared photos of what it looked like outside in their areas.  MGS teacher, Ms. Gonzalez sent a photo of the snow outdoors as their Texas counterparts explained how they had not received snow in over five years!  Students will continue to video conference with one another and compare the different seasons throughout the remainder of the year.

MGS went to the Buffalo Zoo
Grade 3 students from Mary Gardner School also used the video conferencing network (VCN) to go on a virtual field trip to the Buffalo Zoo. They were able to ask questions directly to the curator of the zoo and watch live feeds into the animal enclosures while asking questions to their caregivers.

Community Heroes
On November 21st, grades 3 & 4 from Heritage elementary were fortunate enough to host five local heroes for the day. The Heroes were invited into the classrooms to talk about the job they do in our communities.  They happily welcomed a fireman, ambulance technician, social worker, nurse and a war veteran.  The kids got to hear stories about a day in a hero’s shoes, they tried-on real fireman equipment, heard their own heart beat and saw the medals earned from a war veteran. The students happily welcomed the heroes by showing them their “Hero recipe” which they created in class by researching the different qualities that exemplify a true hero.

Drivers Ed has made its way to Huntingdon!
Due to popular demand a Driver’s Ed course is now being offered at the Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre (HAECC). The Huntingdon CLC has paired up with the Montreal City Motor League driving school to offer a course based out of Huntingdon.  Over 10 community members have registered for the course, giving them the opportunity to take the course locally during the evening.

Remembrance Day Ceremony
Every year for Remembrance Day Heritage Elementary opens up their doors for an Ecumenical Remembrance Day service for all the local churches in the Huntingdon area. Over 200 people attend the service then proceed to the park across from Heritage to lie wreathes down in respect of the fallen soldiers.

Rural Development Forum in the Haut-Saint-Laurent
The Centre Local Development (CLD) hosted a rural development forum on November 18th in the Haut- Saint-Laurent; over 50 community members attended the forum to give their voice and opinion on the development in the Haut-Saint-Laurent. The Chateauguay Valley CLC played an important role leading a workshop for the English speaking partners and community members who were present.

Artists in the Making
Every Tuesday afternoon for eight weeks in the fall the Huntingdon Adult Education Centre (HAECC) offers a community art class. The class is taught by a local artist who meets weekly as they discuss art and learn how to draw together. The group wrapped up their final week by picking out their best work which shall be displayed in a local art exhibit in February at the Little Green Library in Huntingdon.

Community Based Service Learning Project – Community Crock Pot
The C.V.R. Learning Centre classes of Ms. Hope & Ms. Rachubinski have been working on starting a “Community Crockpot” project with their students that would impact the school community (this is called a CBSL – Community Based Service Learning Project).  Through a $1,000 Green Apple Grant and a $1,000 donation of cooking materials from CLC partner ‘Jeunesse Rurale en Forme’, students will be learning about and preparing ingredients which will be frozen and sold to families looking for a healthy, easy meal idea.  Prepared meals will be available to members of the school community at a reasonable price with all monies raised going toward future projects for the class.
(Photo – CVR Vice-Principal Lynn Harkness, teacher Valerie Rachubinksi, Nutritionist Vanessa Theoret and Audrey St- Aubin from Jeunesse Rurale en Forme show off their new cooking supplies for their Community Crockpot project

Vanier Video Conference
Going to CEGEP and a little worried?  Vanier College and a few CLCs in the province have set up an outreach program where Vanier students and advisors meet with high school students through video conference.  Laurentian High School, Joliette High School, La Tuque High School along with CVR have been enjoying this great offer to-date. Many topics are being covered throughout the sessions, such as Loans & Bursaries, Urban Living, Time management, etc.  Four more VC’s will take place in January.

Volunteering Pays Off
Not only did two CVR students, Isabell-Ann Seguin and Martin Laurin-Ricard get to meet community members and survey them with their IPADs at our first ever Soirée Communau-T HSL Community Nights, they also got a free spaghetti supper out of it.  The organizing committee was very pleased with their enthusiasm and dedication and awarded them with certificates of appreciation for their contribution to their communities.

Perseverance scolaire, Boot Camp a blast!
Our first ever “P. S. BOOT CAMP” was held during a mid-November weekend. Funding of $4000.00 was set aside from Perseverance Scolaire, a CLC partner, for this camp which aimed at getting Grade 9 students involved from both the English & French High Schools. With collaboration from Maison des Jeunes – Huntingdon, 19 grade 9 students were given a weekend of workshops, activities, team building and games to offer them the extra tools to help them persevere and continue on their road to graduation.  Former CVR students now attending the Recreation Leadership Program at Dawson also volunteered their time to help mentor the students. Part of the highlites were getting to know each other through ‘Ice Breaker’ games, doing karate and getting to spend some time with the animals.

Gault’s new Ice Rink: Construction is all done!
This project has been in the planning stages for the past three years. We now look forward to many fun activities for parents and students alike. We can’t wait to try it! Once the ice will be ready, students will start playing hockey. Required equipment (helmets, etc…) will also be provided. We will be sure to invite everybody to the grand opening in the New Year.

Remembrance Day at Gault Institute
On November 11th, we had a lovely celebration for Remembrance Day. We would like to thank Mr. Elk (grade 4 teacher) and Ms. Larocque (grade 5-6 teacher) for organizing this wonderful event. We would also like to also thank all our teachers and students who participated. The poems and songs were very inspirational. Great job everyone!  Seen here from the Salaberry-de-Valleyfield Legion are: M. Doucet, M. Bouchard, M & Mme Blais and Mme Raymond.

Previous CLC Monthly reports:

– November 2014 – CLC News Edition 2 – CEGEP sneak peak, Valley community nights begin, science VCs blast off!
– October 2014 – CLC News Edition 1 –  “Arts Festival @ HSB, new partnership @ CPS, community evenings start up again and much more.”

‘Community Learning Centres’ are partnerships that provide a range of services and activities, often beyond the school day, to help meet the needs of learners, their families, and the wider community. Their aim is to support the holistic development of citizens and communities.

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