CLC Wrap-up: news-notes (January 2015) CLC Brochures are out!, a trip to outer space, Santa Claus is a hit with students and much more.
Chateauguay and Valley CLC Brochures are out!
The Chateauguay and Chateauguay Valley CLC Winter brochures are out. With a multitude of activities for youth and adults alike, our CLCs continue to find different partnership models to offer services in our area. Take a peak yourself at the following links on
Chateauguay: &
Chateauguay Valley:
Santa Claus and NFSB team up.
Santa needed help, his North Pole workshop was going through some renovations, therefore students in the Interior Decorating and Visual Display program stepped in to lend him a helping hand. Teacher Barbara Walter and a few of our international students created a winter wonderland backdrop for Santa while he had 30 minute video-conference conversations with 23 kindergarten and Pre-K classes from 10 of our schools. Santa also had an opportunity to talk to his friends from the Sunshine Class at HAECC. Watch the video link to see the complete story:
Visiting the space shuttle by VCN
Students in Cycle 2 from Mary Gardner School participated in a free video conference with members from the space shuttle ‘Orion’. It was a live broadcast from Houston in which the students saw the shuttle and were able to ask an astronaut and engineers questions.
Learning about religion on the road
Grade 3 & 4 Students from Heritage Elementary School have been learning about different religions in their social studies class. To further their understanding of religious symbols in the community, the class took their learning outside the classroom and visited four of their local churches in Huntingdon. The kids were able to see the different religious symbols and talk about the differences in each church. Thank you to our local churches for opening their doors and giving the class a great tour.
Gleemas Concert is grrrrrrrreat!
The Gleemas Concert was a wonderful success! More than 150 visitors came to watch as Gault students entertained the crowd with their singing, dancing and musical talents! The decorations were fantastic. Many thanks to all the organizers: teachers, student helpers and everyone who lent a hand making this celebration a huge success! Thank you to parents who showed up to support the children and to all those who brought in canned goods: 186 kilos of food was raised to give to the community. It just goes to show you what can happen when everyone works all together!
Creating cards for the community
This year Gault students also created 360 Xmas cards for the users of La Popote Roulante (a community group that helps distribute hot meals and other food services, primarily to citizens of 65 years of age and older and who have lost some of their autonomy.) Students from Grade 4, 5 and 6 wrote the texts, while Grade 1, 2 and 3 students decorated and did the art work for the cards. The recipients were so happy and surprised by the students’ kind gestures that they wrote a thank you note back to the children for the wonderful generosity
A 1000 Thank You’s!
Community Wednesdays (a project done with the Table de Jeunesse de Chateauguay) was given a $1000 donation towards its activities for the 2014-15 year by Pierre Moreau, Member of the National Assembly for Chateauguay. Chuck Halliday, Development Officer of the New Frontiers School Board accepted the cheque on behalf of the organizers of the event from Mr. Moreau’s political attaché, Mr. Philippe Mercier. The organizing members of Community Wednesdays want to thank the Mr. Moreau for his continued support in this school & community initiative.
Interactive theatre came to CVR
On December 3rd students from middle school were invited to a theatre presentation from the group Mise Au Jeu. Students participated in a very interactive event that impacted how they look and treat others who are different. The cost of this event is regularly $2,500.00, but through a CLC partnership with The Quebec Handicapped Association, it was presented free of charge.
Some comments from students:
“I think the message was just because someone is different doesn’t mean you can treat them differently.” “Everyone is the same in their own way and you’re capable of doing anything.” “Would love to see a similar play next year.” “I like the play because they showed how people have a hard time accepting other people because they’re different.” “You guys are awesome! Thanks for visiting CVR!” “Not to judge because at the end of the day we are all human.” “They should come next year. I would like to see them again.”
Irish eyes are dancing
Despite our first snow storm of the year, our instructor and a few families weathered the storm and participated in a Irish Dance recital on Wednesday, December 10th in front of family and friends. Students ages 3 & over have worked hard each week and have come a long way. Everyone is looking forward to presenting again in the Spring, maybe even at the Ormstown Fair.
True meaning of the holidays
This year’s Student Leadership food drive was a huge success! A grand total of 553 perishable food items were collected by students throughout grades 7 to 11 to be picked up by community partner, La Bouffe Additionnelle Huntingdon. Last year this non-profit organization gave out 304 baskets, feeding over 729 people and were expecting their numbers to rise this year. Thanks to all the students who brought in items, help make baskets and carry boxes.
C.V.R.’s Student Council also was able to donate $400.00 worth of IGA Gift Cards to this organization through their fundraising of Christmas “tweets” and the canteen at this year’s Christmas dance. Congrats to all.
Community nights are hopping
Our “Soirée Communau-T HSL Community Nights” has shown once again that very little can overcome a tightly knit community. Indeed, citizens still showed up despite high winds and twenty inches of snow that fell on Wednesday, December 10th .
Approximately 120 people, including representatives of 17 community organizations and associations, were present at Ecole Montpetit in St. Chrysostome. They found out about free community services available to them and enjoyed a delicious, free spaghetti supper. Our 3rd Community Night will take place at Heritage Elementary on Wednesday, February 11th, 2015. Hope to see you there!
– December 2014 – CLC News Edition 3 – Heroes, skating rink and financial literacy and much more.
‘Community Learning Centres’ are partnerships that provide a range of services and activities, often beyond the school day, to help meet the needs of learners, their families, and the wider community. Their aim is to support the holistic development of citizens and communities.