Soccer World Champs, a principal keeps her promise, green thumbs everywhere and much more.
(NFSB) CLC Wrap-up: News & notes (November).
Valleyfield CLC – Gault Institute
Crazy for Cartooning!
We recently began a 10-week after-school art activities program given by Sheltoons. Students will be guided through a different art activity on a weekly basis. We have 17 enthusiastic artists ready to roll.
Terry Fox Walk
Students, staff and parents participated in the annual Terry Fox Walk on Friday, October 23rd. In honour of Mr. Fox’s heroic efforts in the fight against cancer, the Gault community walked around the perimeter of the school grounds 10 times. As a school, we were able to raise over $300!
Breakfast for Learning
For the 4th consecutive year, we received a grant from the Breakfast for Learning organization to serve nutritious breakfasts to students on Tuesdays through Fridays. We would like to thank our wonderful parent volunteers for taking the time to serve a healthy breakfast to our students on a weekly basis. Without you, this initiative would not be successful!
Chateauguay CLC
Centennial Park
BOKS Launch at CPS
Quote from the BOKS Canada representative when referring to CPS students on their first day of their BOKS programs. “I am thrilled that I got to meet your grade 6 students. They were spectacular. You should be very proud! Their listening skills and their attention to detail was very impressive. BOKS (Build Our Kids’ Success), is a physical activity program aimed to enhance academic performance and the overall health of kids through physical activity.
Good Food Box @ CPS
The Good Food Box has partnered up with the school to sell fresh fruits and vegetables at wholesale prices for families. Parents can purchase fresh produce while supporting local farmers. If your school is interested in partnering with the Good Food Box, you can contact Claude Brunette coordinator at (514) 344-4499 or email for more info.
3rd Annual Craft and Vendor Fair
On Saturday October 24th the school opened their doors for their annual craft fair. Over 30 vendors on-site showcased homemade cards, crafts, Christmas wreaths, baby accessories, wooden creations, mixed media canvases and much more.
Howard S. Billings
Starting the day off right!
CECN (Chateauguay English Community Network) donated $200 to help support the Breakfast Club Program, which provides students with a nutritious breakfast and snacks throughout the day, in order to help them better concentrate and succeed in their academic pursuits. On average the school serves 45 students per day. (Photo: Ms. Wiedow, Ms. Thompson (CECN) along with Ms. Rossi (HSB).)
Golden Girls
Two Grade 11 students Lylee Horn and Journey Jacobs, along with Melody Horn an HSB graduate were members of the Gold Medal winning women’s soccer team at the World Indigenous games in Brazil.
Kyle Jessiman, has currently made the U17 National Canadian Hockey Team and is playing in the World U17 Hockey Challenge. HSB is proud of their athletes!
Mary Gardner School
Students keeping active!
Quebec en Forme has partnered with the school to provide physical activity for the students. In addition during lunchtime on Wednesdays for 8-weeks students are participating in “Kid Zumba” with Ms. Rina. Forty-two students from K to 4 are learning the latest Zumba moves while having fun!
St.Willibrord School
Community Wednesdays are back!
The first Community Wednesday was held on November 4th. “Live together” was the theme of the evening, with over 25 groups on-site, a child car seat inspection station, a healthy cooking workshop, free face painting, free babysitting, a performance from Extravadance, $2.00 spaghetti supper, etc. Next one is December 9th @ Mary Gardner. Santa will be there!
Knitting for the kids
The CECN knitting and crochet group who meet at the school on a weekly basis, showed off the baby caps they made for newborns at the CHAL (Centre Hospitalier Anna-Laberge).
A cut above the rest!
Students raised over $4200 for the Terry Fox Run to support cancer research. This tripled their donation from last year, and everyone is very proud of their efforts! As an incentive, the organizing teachers had offered to dye their hair blue if the students reached $2000, and the two male teachers, Jason Stacey and Ryan Anton, vowed to shave their heads if their efforts reached $3000. When donations seemed to be lagging a little, Principal Lynn Claude, promised to shave her head if they reached $4000. It seemed like a pretty safe bet. The staff and students took it to heart though, and that goal was surpassed! At a school assembly Ms. Claude, kept her promise to her students and had her head shaved. The outpouring of community support has been tremendous, and greatly appreciated.
CHECK OUT THE VIDEO – you dare not miss this moving moment!
(Link to Soleil Chateauguay story)
NOVA Career Centre
Action packed
The Centre is buzzing with some community action in the evening, like what? A Service Canada workshop and a senior’s computer class, as the growing CECN and NOVA (CLC) partnership continues to flourish.
Chateauguay Valley CLC
Chateauguay Valley Regional High School
CLC welcomes stagier
Amber Maither, former CVR student and now St. Lawrence College Social Service worker student is completing her stage with the Chateauguay Valley CLC. Amber is catching on quickly, working and assisting on many different school projects throughout the Valley, such as: arts & crafts at OES, afterschool crafts club at Franklin, Seniors Hero in 30, etc.
Stress Buster
CVR hosted a “Movement & Mindfulness” class in the evening where participants learned techniques to incorporate into their daily lives. They learned valuable stress release practices and picked up some helpful tools to deal with the daily stresses we all encounter.
Farming in the future
CVR and the QFA (Quebec Farmers Association) have partnered to help support local farmers by offering a videoconference series on topics pertinent to our local farmers. These VCs are held at CVR the last Thursday of every month from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. For more details on specific topics, contact Kim Wilson at 450-829-2381 ext: 245.
Huntingdon CLC
A Haunted Halloween
Doesn’t matter your age, Halloween is always a hit in everyone’s heart. The Sunshine Class and Melissa Sunshine Camp had a day filled with Halloween celebrations. From cowboys to hotdogs, ninja turtles to Zorro all costumes were fantastic! The students enjoyed a morning of games, tricks and fun to an afternoon of singing and dancing.
Tiny Tots Fitness Fun!
The fitness program for kids under the age of five is up and running again in Huntingdon on Monday evenings. The little ones come into the centre full of energy and ready to learn, play and be active. The 8-week session gets the kids working on early development of social skills, balancing, stretching, running and lots of other fun games & activities.
Heritage Elementary
It’s a plants life
The Grade 6 science class is spending their year learning all about plants. The students started their yearlong project by video-conferencing with Longwood Gardens in Philadelphia to learn about a plants life cycle. Later in the month the class made their 1st trip of many to HAECC to do hands on learning activities with the Horticulture Department, learning fun facts about plants and how to water the plants correctly. Did you know that one cob of corn has over 800 kernels? Check out the video!
Science, Science, Science!
Grade 4-5-6 students had a fun filled day doing science experiments. The students learned about the act of observation and their five senses. To help the students realize how difficult it is when a sense is removed, they were blindfolded and had to rely on their hearing, smell and touch in order to make a prediction on an object. It was a challenging task for many of the students and made them realize how dependent they are on their sight.
Garden Clean up
The town of Huntingdon concluded another successful year with their community garden, as community members used all the lots. The community garden section was also a hit as fresh fruit and vegetables were available for anyone in the community to come and enjoy. The Grade 6 class also did the clean-up and collected coriander seeds to start growing in the spring for next year’s garden.
The Community Learning Concepts (CLC) approach is the creation of partnerships that provide a range of services and activities, during and after the school day, to help meet the needs of our learners, their families and the wider community. The aim is to support the holistic development of our students, families, citizens and communities.
The CLC monthly news & notes report showcases a small sample of some of the great initiatives and happenings in our schools!
CLC Reports 2015-16:
1- Financial grants galore, Summer Camp a hit, Rockin’ Readers and much more. (Summer-Sept)
2- Healthy opportunities aplenty, Community nights in full swing, making a mosaic and much more. (October)