Collège de Valleyfield reaches out to the Natural Caregivers

The New Frontiers School Board and ARC (Assistance and Referral Centre for Health and Social Services) are proud to announce that, through a partnership with the Collège de Valleyfield, the Free Natural Caregiver Course will now be using a lab at the Anna Laberge Hospital for the practical portion of the course.

Until now, the health lab at the NOVA Career Centre was used, but a recent boom in registrations resulting in a classroom shortage forced us to reach out to our partners for an alternative solution.

Collège de Valleyfield, through its Soins infirmiers program, operates a state-of-the-art health laboratory in the basement of the Anna Laberge Hospital. They generously offered the use of their lab and classrooms to help us improve the conditions of natural caregivers.

More info ont the FREE Natural Caregiver Course here.

We want to take this opportunity to thank the Collège de Valleyfield and its personnel for their generosity and priceless collaboration.

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