Dominican Volunteer Trip Returns

Volunteering locally and internationally is a common quality in our region of Quebec. A team of health care students and teachers from CVCEC recently returned from an amazing trip to San Jose de Ocoa in the Dominican Republic. Our goals were to give our students a learning experience that challenged them in a new and unique environment. The Practical Nursing (Health, Assistance and Nursing) students learned how to use their skills to evaluate a person’s health status. They met families, grandparents, children and those in need and volunteered their services in remote mountain villages.

The planning for this trip started 8 months ago with a selection process, many fundraising events, research on the region and even Spanish lessons. Some of our students comments “A life changing experience”, “This trip has confirmed my career choice as an LPN, I have a new outlook on health care”, “A fun, eye-opening experience, be happy for the little things you have in life” and “This trip was amazing, I learned so much about myself”. Thank you to our school, school board and community for your support!


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