Auto expert ease

On November 23rd the Nova Career Centre hosted its annual fall training seminar for automotive instructors in English School Boards. Present were 23 instructors from Laurier MacDonald Career Centre, West Island Career Centre, and of course Nova.

The theme of the seminar was new model features and changes for 2014 vehicles. The main focus was on the Chevrolet Cruze Diesel. Today’s diesel is nothing like it used to be 25 years ago. This training seminar was given to us by Mr. Randy Scott, an instructor at Algonquin College’s GM ASEP program in Ottawa.

The training vehicles were loaned to us courtesy of Desjardins Chevrolet Buick GMC in Chateauguay.

The Automotive Department (Nova Career Centre) is the Centre of Expertise in Quebec for English school boards and we are very proud to host training seminars, which would not be possible without the support of Desjardins, Randy Scott and Algonquin College. For this we are for ever grateful.

John Britton


NOVA Career Automotive Technologies.

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