Follow Our Adventure to the Dominican

Ocoa Trip, 2015 to the Dominican Republic

Life at CVCEC is always full of surprises and unexpected events.  This is one of the things that makes working here a dynamic and interesting place.

For the past few years, the Health Care groups have been going on humanitarian field trips with students to the Dominican Republic. While there, they work with the local, poorer population in outlying areas to provide basic health care.

This annual trip typically takes place in the early weeks of May and is a way for interested students to practice some of what they have been learning over the past year and to get a feel for working in the health care field with in a third world country.

This year, I have been asked to accompany them, even though I am a Carpentry teacher with little health care experience.  I will be helping to supervise the students with 3 other teachers, participate in the daily field trips, reconnoitre potential field trips for future carpentry students and also help support the mission by managing the group blog.  You can find this blog at:

Students and their teacher have been active planning, learning, fundraising and preparing for their trip. Check out the student experience leading up to and during the trip.  Please feel free to post your comments and thoughts in response to their blog contributions.

I am honoured to be included in this unique and special adventure and am looking forward to a great experience!

John Hodges (Carpentry teacher)

With the support of my colleagues from the Health Care Department

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