We’re all about the students!

I’ve been working at CVCEC for over 6 years now. I must say, the greatest part of my job is the interaction with the students in the building. There is something special about the atmosphere at the Centre.

Our Health Care students regularly prepare us soups, muffins and cookies. The “bake sales” help to raise money for various activities going on at the Centre. The Carpentry students are happy to be their customers.

Our Carpentry and Landscaping students are BBQ specialists! From burgers to brochettes, we often have something good cooking outside.

CVCEC takes pride in being active within our community. Our students’ contribution to supporting local projects makes the Centre well appreciated by local businesses and organizations. Just this year alone, our students built benches for Gault Institute, built a floor for the arena at the Ormstown Fair, worked on Christmas presents for parents with the Abracadabara Day Care and helped our students from the Naskapi Nation move in to their new apartments.

CVCEC is all about the students. They make the Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre a great place to come to work every day!


Alice Loney

Vocational Technician

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