Gault CLC & Community Thursday

FREE Spaghetti dinner! That’s right! Gault Institute is having its first ever Community Thursday on January 30th 2014 (5:00-7:00 PM). Everyone is welcome to attend and find out about local social services available in the area, such as: CSSS du Suroit, Camp Bosco, the municipality of Valleyfield, Espace Suroit and much much more.

A free spaghetti dinner (donation welcomed) is available with activities for the children.

But that’s not all, Gault Institute is also offering CLC Activities to the community, which include: fencing, ballet, English 2nd language courses, dancing courses, Girl Guides and much more. Be sure to check it out.

For more info: Contact CLC Technician, Claire Mallette : or 450-373-6922



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