Glad to be a Grad

NOVA’s Administrative Assistant program celebrated a long-standing tradition this past Friday: the departmental Graduation Celebration.

This is an unique opportunity for the teachers to have a last activity with the finishing groups.  As always, graduates came accompanied, and wore their best attire for the event. Program teachers Erma Robidoux, Wilene Cullen, Judy Murphy and Sue O’Sullivan were radiant while the students mingled, chatted and had a great time.

And remember, the event was organized by the Business Technology teachers, so we definitely expected a well-prepared event… and when we say well-prepared, we’re not kidding: a reception desk, traditional graduation hats lined-up on the table, numbered name-tags for participants with their selected meal choices on them.

Of course, we’ll see the graduates again at the NOVA Graduation Night, whereas all students will be celebrating their achievements. This Friday’s past event was a little prelude to the big event, a last hurrah amongst students who are now proudly certified and as just as important, good friends.


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