(video) Volunteering For A Cause

The learning process is not only about the lessons learned in class, at times it’s about what happens outside of the walls of our schools and centres. Recently students from our Health, Assistance & Nursing program volunteered at the 2nd Annual Monteregie Health Promotion Fair, held this year in Chateauguay (Ile Saint-Bernard, Pavillion-de-l’Ile) on Saturday, November 9th.

The students (Steve Desroches, Tania Francis, Stephanie Robson) took time from their busy schedules, to help the organizers of the fair (the community group ARC {Assistance and Referral Centre} and its collaborative partners) to ensure that the day went off without a hitch. They learned about valuable resources in the area and talked with potential employers for them once they’re ready to enter the Health Care workforce upon graduation. Networking while given back to the community at the same time, made the day a fulfilling experience.

Over 40 information kiosks were on-site explaining in a bilingual setting the health and social services available in the area, workshops on topics ranging from nutrition, green products, speech therapy and PEERS: social skills program, a CPR refresher and finally an amazingly informative, inspiring and powerful keynote speaker Ms. Suzy Goodleaf (clinical psychologist) who talked to a packed room.

Be on the lookout for a resource video coming out with information on each of the groups that were in attendance. Be sure to revisit at the beginning of the New Year.



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