« What’s for lunch today? », « Oh! It smells so good! What’s cooking? », « Wow! It looks so good! What is it? »

The heart of most homes is the kitchen. It is the place where we know we (often) can find someone to share with. Share a story, a moment, ideas, preoccupations, discuss an issue, and of course share a meal. It is the place where we can laugh about life, enjoy our successes and talk about our challenges.

Many good moments are captured in the kitchen and memories are created. It is a place where relationships get stronger or are built. The kitchen always has an open door. TOGETHER is really important. Everybody is working with the same aim: to see someone enjoy what is being served. When the meal is ready, proudness can be felt in the air. And it’s always a pleasure to answer the first few questions to that person who is following their nose and showing up in the door (very often Centre Director, Daryl Ness is the 1st one!) because of what is cooking or baking. Students or staff are blending together and building our tight-knit school community.

A great feeling of accomplishment is there after each meal. Yes, of course sometimes mistakes are made but after laughing about it, a solution is quickly found so no one can taste it!

Le Café @ HAECC is a place of rapport, of connections; it is a safe (most of the time!), warm environment. It is a gathering place.

What is the recipe? Openness.

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