Outstanding Citizens: 2013-14

Here are the five NFSB Outstanding Citizens for the 2013-2014 school selected from our Adult Centres.   

To see the entire list of the 44 Outstanding Citizens from our school board (click).

Giovanna Fato is a student in the Administrative Assistant DEP program at the Nova Career Centre. Giovanna was chosen as a New Frontiers School Board Outstanding Citizen for the humanitarian work that she has accomplished. She taught English for many years in Costa Rica, was instrumental in organizing a Youth Centre for street kids in Vancouver, for ten years sponsored two children with World Vision, and is now in the process of adopting a child. As well, Giovanna is a leader among her peers at Nova. She is responsible, polite, courteous, supportive of her classmates and very helpful to all with whom she works. Giovanna is to be admired as she juggles her studying and being a member of the Nova Governing Board, with her personal life. Giovanna’s dream is to continue her humanitarian work and to teach. She is a wonderful role model and we are confident that she will do well in whatever she embarks upon in the future.

Patricia Marlin is a student at the Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre (HAECC). Patricia is trustworthy, dependable social and highly motivated. She enjoys working with others and is the first to offer her assistance in school projects. At the Centre, Patricia works in the Café, helping prepare food and serve meals. She joined the Café because of her passion for cooking, especially baking; it is her desire to become a pastry chef. Patricia has proven herself to be a leader. She shows many wonderful character traits; the most important ones are kindness and empathy.

Tiffany Mountenay-Brown is a student at the Huntingdon Adult Education & Community Centre (HAECC). Tiffany is a compassionate, trustworthy and helpful student. She gets along with everyone and her words are always kind and encouraging. She accepts everyone as they are and is entirely non-judgemental. She has great empathy. Tiffany works hard in class and is dedicated to being the best that she can be. She is optimistic and enthusiastic when it comes to her school work. Tiffany helps the students in the “Sunshine Class” and participates in the morning coffee prepared by this class. As well she spends most of her lunch hours in the sunshine class where she is loved and respected. Tiffany is kind, caring and has made an impression on everyone at HAECC. She is strong and resilient and is so much appreciated by all the staff.

Leslye Pearson joined the Interior Decorating and Visual Display program at Nova in the Fall of 2013. After graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature and a Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management and after being a stay at home mom for ten years, Leslye decided she would follow her passion and lifelong dream of becoming an interior decorator. Although Leslye attended school full-time while raising a young family, she embraced the program fully and enthusiastically. In addition, she became a member of the Nova Governing Board. Leslye is a person of character. She is honest and cares deeply for others. She encouraged her classmates to persevere with pride and she was a trusted role model and mentor with heart and optimism.

Darren Pinkham is a recent graduate from the Carpentry program at the Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre (CVCEC). Darren is respected by his peers for possessing a strong work ethic, for demonstrating amazing leadership skills, and for his positive energy. Darren has been a member of the Student Advisory and has embraced furthering his education by his commitment in LEED training in green building, and various related certification and licenses. Darren has great empathy for those who are less fortunate. Once he has finished his 150 hours of apprenticeship, he plans to bike across Canada for charity.

“It is a great honour to congratulate our 44 Outstanding Citizens for the 2013-2014 school year.These students from our elementary schools, our high schools, and our adult centres have exhibited great leadership and insight into social issues within the community and the world. They have demonstrated this empathy and passion through many community service projects.We pay tribute to these remarkable young people for their leadership, their communication skills and their engagement in many initiatives within their schools and their communities. Most importantly, they have shown that they care and it is their desire to perform acts of kindness and to change the world.Congratulations to our Outstanding Citizens. We are all so very proud of you.” Lindsay Strachan, Program Coordinator


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