Student For A Day worked for them!

Three of our current students in the Accounting Programme have tried the Student For A Day activity… and registered shortly after!

Student For A Day enables anyone to “sit in” an actual ongoing programme for a day with the teacher and students to get a real feel for the class and allows them to talk to the teacher and students to get an idea of the curriculum,… Essentially, try before you buy!

“I wasn’t decided between the Secretarial and Accounting programme” says Karonhiaroroks (Leslie) Picard.  As she sat in the Accounting classroom for a couple of hours with the Accounting teacher, Mr. Kottas, she immediately knew that this was a programme she was capable of doing and it wasn’t too much over her head.

As for Natella Ferdinand, “I knew I wanted to be in the Accounting program, but I had registered in another Centre in Montreal.  Since I did my secondary schooling in Châteauguay, I wanted to get a feel of how it worked here at NOVA”…  So sitting in the class for a few hours gave her an idea, Nova Career Centre was for her.  Being from Châteauguay, Natella found it compelling to be close to home while pursuing her goals.

“I was interested but not sure about the Accounting programme” Jonathan Schwarz indicates, and after he was a Student For A Day, he registered! As soon as  he receives his D.E.P., he will consider pursuing his studies in Accounting at the CEGEP level.

Three students, three stories… Come and see for your own test drive!

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