Supporting our students


Transportation services are provided free of charge from the Chateauguay Valley for adult education and CEGEP students at HAECC. Our flexible bus schedule allows student from the Valleyfield and Chateauguay Valley area to access transportation every morning and afternoon throughout the school year. We’re committed to making sure our students can easily access our learning environments and encourage them to seek out more environmentally friendly travel options.

Financial Aid

  • Loans and Bursaries
    Students who require financial support to attend one of our programs may be eligible for Loans and Bursaries from the Aide financière aux études. Our counsellors can help answer any questions you may have about financing your education.
  • Emploi-Quebec
    Emploi-Quebec can provide financial resources to support your education. You will need to meet with one of their counsellors and explore further funding opportunities.
  • Kahnawake Economic Development Commission (KEDC)
    If you live in Kahnawake and would like to enroll in a full-time vocational training program or acquire your high school diploma, then we encourage you to make an appointment with an employment counsellor from the KEDC by calling 450-638-4280 or by email at You can also visit them online at

Distance Education

Unable to attend school in person? You can work at your own pace in the comfort of your home with the support of a personal tutor. Our distance education courses allow you to obtain a high school diploma, pre-requisites for CEGEP or a vocational training program. Students are assisted by qualified teachers who offer a personalized service. The distance education program is supported by the Eastern Townships School Board. For more information, call the toll free line at 1.877.463.3775 or send an email to You can also visit them online at


Our counsellors provide support and referral services to students attending our centres. We work closely with various partners in the community such as Carrefour Jeunesse, Tewatohnhi’saktha, Emploi-QC, and others to help give our students the support they need in order to discover a successful career path. We help students identify their needs, assist in the preparation of a personal plan, and provide support throughout the learning process. We also keep students aware of onsite and offsite fun and social activities to complement their education.

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