Student Voices – Throwback Thursday

We have recently updated some of our student videos on our ‘Vocational Program’ pages. We figured lets do our own ‘Throwback Thursday’ recap of the student voice videos we had done previously.

(click on the picture thumbnails to see what they had to say)

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Interior Decorating & Visual Display – MEGAN
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High Pressure Welding – JOHN
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Carpentry – JAMES
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Assistance in Health Care – HELEN
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Drafting – ELLEN & FRIENDS
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Health Assistance & Nursing – COREY
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Auto Mechanics – CODY
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Home Care Assistance – CHRISTINA
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Accounting – ANDREW
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Welding – ALEX
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Horticulture & Garden Centre Operations – MELISSA
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Secretarial Studies – HAILEY
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Landscaping Operations – FAWAT
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Hairdressing – FAITH
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