Shuttle bus will be unavailable Thursday, Feb 20 and Friday, Feb 21. Sorry for any inconvenience!


Shuttle bus will be unavailable Thursday, Feb 20 and Friday, Feb 21. Sorry for any inconvenience!

Home Care students in the field…


My students and I are currently at a hospital where I’m teaching them as they do their long-term Home Care stage. The staff is amazing and they are a nice team. The students each have a few patients and they help the staff tremendously.

The students’ day begins as follows:

  • they wake up the patients, position them and prepare them for their breakfast;
  • they distribute their trays, feed some of the patients, give some patients a bath or a bed bath;
  • transfer the patients with the lift using the right technique;
  • answer the call bells.

The students are truly enjoying this stage and are doing an amazing job, which is very much appreciated by the staff. I have received numerous good comments about our students.

  • Steve Poulin, Home Care Assistance teacher