Shuttle bus will be unavailable Thursday, Feb 20 and Friday, Feb 21. Sorry for any inconvenience!


Shuttle bus will be unavailable Thursday, Feb 20 and Friday, Feb 21. Sorry for any inconvenience!

Superwoman student here at NOVA…

Meet Mavis Teye, a student currently completing a DVS (Diploma Vocational Studies) in Accounting at the NOVA Career Centre.  Not only does Mavis juggle a family which includes 2 and 5-year-old boys, she is concurrently completing a graduate diploma in Accounting at McGill University!  Mavis has chosen to simultaneously complete a DVS and a graduate diploma at university because she feels that employers’ seek real-world, hands-on experience in accounting… the type of experience and training that is gained in a program at NOVA.  Believe it or not, there is more! Mavis is no stranger to school… she has already earned a Master’s degree and has just published her Master’s thesis. If you want to check it out, here’s the link: MASTER THESIS: Perceived Occupational Stressors, Stress and Coping Strategies

Way to go Mavis!