Teacher stories: their journey

Video interviews with vocational teachers from across the province who explain their journey from being a student getting their DEP (diplôme d’études professionnelles), working in their respective fields for a few years, becoming teachers in a vocational centre and then returning to university to get their teaching degree. The dedication, passion and enthusiasm these professionals express for their love of teaching and helping their students reach their goals is inspiring.

Thank you to the following teachers who took part to share their stories:
Denise Chavez – Horticulture (NFSB)
John Clarke – Welding (NFSB)
Magda Clouston – Secretarial (RSB)
Robert Duff – Bricklaying (RSB)
Nic Hulse – Carpentry (SWLSB)
Shayne Mackey – Machining Techniques (ETSB)
Jovan Mercier – Carpentry (NFSB)
Jules Simoneau – Welding (NFSB)
Mariette St-Jacques – Welding (ETSB)
Beverly Tannehill – Nursing (NFSB)

The teachers took part in a discussion panel at the AAESQ/QESBA Spring Conference this past weekend.

(ETSB: Eastern Townships School Board   /  NFSB: New Frontiers School Board  /  RSB: Riverside School Board  /  SWLSB: Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board)

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