Tech corner – using iMovie

Welcome to the first edition of Tech Corner. We will be celebrating the educational use of technology with in our learning centers. Whether it is teacher or student initiated we will highlight the exploration and use of technology to invigorate learning in the classroom.

Teachers are always attempting to find innovative ways to provide information for their students. Creating learning capsules to share often seems like a daunting task. In CVCEC, John Hodges (carpentry teacher) used the video function on an Ipad to help create a “how to” video introducing a wood working machine called a jointer.

After some trial and error of exploring the how and the what to video, John set a clear objective to create a video capsule that provided safety tips and introduced the jointer. After filming, he utilized iMovie to edit the video and used the audio enhancement to add a little music to the project. John then uploaded his video to his You Tube channel and then embedded his youtube video to his blog.

Check out John’s You Tube video:

Check out John’s Blog:

Maybe you have a story where technology has helped increase a teaching or learning goal and would like to share it with us.  If so please contact me at:

Till next time,



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