Inspired at the Lakeshore

Audrey Beaumier, a CVCEC student, graciously accepted to tell us about her stage experience at the Lakeshore General Hospital (during August 2015).

My experience in the surgical department was very rewarding because I was able to practice what I learned in school: taking vital signs, administering several varieties of drugs such as morphine; listening to lungs, making post-operative dressings, etc. The hospital nurses were great, they told us: ‘If your teacher does not have the time, you can always come to me.’

My ‘AHA’ moment, came when I had the chance to watch two surgeries in the operating room, a caesarean section and mastectomy. The nurses took the time to explain everything to me. ‘It was amazing, I’m really fortunate to have had this experience!’ My other special moment came when I took care of a girl who was my age (17 years). At first I was afraid she would be uncomfortable with me, but to my surprise, she and her mother asked me all kinds of questions and we were all at ease with one another.

Finally, I’d like to mention the teamwork and great relationship that exists between us, the stage students; ‘We all help one another out, because we want each and everyone of us each to succeed!’

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