What’s up at CVCEC?

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At the Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre, the students in the Construction Carpentry Program have been hard at work throughout the summer and into the fall. One of the groups have been working on the concrete formwork modules and are currently building forms for columns, beams and suspended slabs:

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However, all work and no play make for a long program, so periodically we host BBQ lunches, especially at this time of the year when the new nursing groups join the current students and we want the students to meet one another. They are simple meals, but everyone has a chance to meet and greet and introduce themselves:
This time we had a little fun with an egg toss…someone got a little “egg on their face”!john 6



At CVCEC, we believe that education has to be engaging, interesting and dynamic… if we have a little fun in the meantime, we consider it part of the joy of learning.

John Hodges, Carpentry Teacher

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