Why I’m Trading it Forward

By Richard Priest
General Manager, Priest Construction & Electricity

Priest is my family name. It’s also the name of our construction business. We’re currently celebrating 50 years of loyal service to the communities in and around the Valley of Chateauguay and the island of Montreal.

When we attached the Priest name to the business it wasn’t for the glory. It was for the responsibility. It was to make sure that the values of equity, respect, and honesty that were pillars of my family upbringing were always at the forefront of everything we do, including how we interact with our customers, personnel, trades people, and suppliers. Our goal is to always treat everyone like an extended member of our family.

When you work in the construction business you encounter a broad range of human experience. Most are inspiring and some you just learn from and move beyond. The one thing that holds true in every experience is the feeling of gratitude that comes from a job well done and the expression of wonder and satisfaction on the faces of the client. I’m proud to say that in 50 years, we have seen a lot of happy faces and our satisfied clients dot the Quebec landscape.

When we were approached to come on board as a major corporate partner for the Trade it Forward campaign, we didn’t hesitate. We knew that it represented everything that is good and true about our business practice and values and we felt we could help lead the charge.

We see Trade it Forward as a great opportunity maker. It opens the door for everyday people with trades and skills to make a remarkable difference in the lives of people in need. It represents the purest form of our work; someone giving a part of themselves to another person and fulfilling a special wish.

Our hope is that people across our community will join us in the Trade it Forward effort and stand with the Priest family. Our team will be very involved in a hands-on way during the course of the campaign and beyond. In that spirit, we want to challenge all of our partners and suppliers to do the same. What can you do to be a positive change-maker? Who could benefit from your help?

We can be remarkable together. We can prove that the there is enormous potential in simple acts of kindness. We can show that trades people and the skills they wield are an invaluable part of the community.

And, we can do it right now.



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