Window of opportunity

This year, the Interior Decorating and Visual Display program wanted a bright and colorful window display to outshine all previous ones! The window presents a serious challenge in that the daylight reflection on the glass obliterates many of the wonderful creations designed and installed by the students, and so a special effort was made to greet this challenge head on!

They decided to make some design sculptures that are mounted on our existing bust forms, out of seamless paper typically used in the display industry. As they were beginning the preparations, a display company asked them to enter a display competition along with other schools. They accepted.

The contest criteria was “nature”.!!! The idea was born… And refined into three elements of nature:

Water, fire, and earth.

The class was divided into three teams; each student chose their “element” and created a working model that would serve as a prototype for the life sized version. These are presently displayed in small showcases in our school.  The whole project was a delight to work on. The students learned new skills while having fun building imaginary “creatures”. They shine in the display and to top it off, all materials in the display were reused and all the paper is recyclable!

We extend a special thanks to Peter Dahms, photographer extraordinaire, from CVCEC for taking such wonderful photos after hours!

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