There will be no shuttle bus Thursday, Feb 20 & Friday, Feb 21. We apologize for any inconvenience!


There will be no shuttle bus Thursday, Feb 20 & Friday, Feb 21. We apologize for any inconvenience!

Working together for our Community

“The most important thing we can do is to work together because none of us are as good as all of us.” – D. Ness (HAECC, Centre Director)

Members of the Continuing Education team, the school board’s educational service team and members from our CLC (Community Learning Centre) team participated in a CISSS de la Monteregie-Ouest (CISSSMO) consultation on access to health and social services for English-speaking communities in the Monteregie-West.

The objectives of the day:

  • Present the organizational structure of the CISSSMO, its key partners, and the territory it covers.
  • Identify, share, and eventually plan promising practices for improving the delivery of the health and social services in English.
  • Give the CISSSMO’s partners an opportunity to get to know each other better.

A huge thank you to the all the partners who attended and gave their insights, and a special note to the organizing committee and the organizations they represent (CISSSMO, New Frontiers School Board, Community Health and Social Services Network, Monteregie-West Community Network, Assistance and & Referral Centre and Network Partnership Initiative (Vaudreuil).


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