Youth Arts Festival @ HSB, Scouting Canada and NFSB partners in the Valley, Gault Gardeners go green and much more

Youth Arts Festival @ HSB, Scouting Canada and NFSB partners in the Valley, Gault Gardeners go green and much more. What’s new CLC Wrap-up! (Sept. 2014)  

Street Arts Festival @ HSB this fall
On August 27th, the 2014 Street Arts Festival schedule was revealed in front of the Mosher auditorium. This unique event will be a creative artistic evening for youth, between the ages of 12 and 17, of the Vallée-du-Haut-Saint-Laurent starting at 4:00 p.m. at Howard S. Billings High School on September 27th. This large regional gathering will allow youth to discover and/or show-off their talent in graffiti, multimedia, dance and street music through professional development workshops, lectures and demonstrations, while being mentored by professional artists.

Several partners were on hand for the launch: such as  Anthony Spadaccino, delegate of the MRC Youth Forum of the Vallée-du-Haut-Saint-Laurent and the Community Learning Centre Administrative Technician at NFSB; Manon Desrochers and Marie-Hélène Lafond, Justice Alternative; Nathalie Collin, Maison des Jeunes of Huntingdon; Kevin Cogland, Advisor for cultural Development at the Ministry of Culture and Communications; Katherina Valade, dance teacher at Howard S. Billings High School and Marc-Antoine Boisvert, Maison des Jeunes of St. Remi.

Community Nights to kick-off in the Valley
Over the summer the Chateauguay Valley CLC and the Huntingdon CLC held their first 2014-2015 planning meeting for les Soirées Communautés Haut-St-Laurent Community Nights. The goal is to have in one venue all the local social services available to our community members.  The first event will be Wednesday, October 8th @ OES from 4:30pm-7:00pm. Community organizations are invited to join this new endeavour in our area and promote their services to the population. The event is open to the public and promises to become a much needed community awareness activity.

Garden party
The community Garden in Huntingdon is planning a “Fete des Recoltes” at the end of September for the community and Heritage students and the families who participated in the garden this summer will be part of the festivities.

HAECC is ready to roll
Once again this fall HAECC will be offering spinning classes and due to popular demand the classes will be running twice a week on Monday’s and Wednesday’s from 5:30pm-6:30pm.

Cardio Actif du Haut St-Laurent has hired a coordinator to help develop the program throughout the Haut-St-Laurent. New this year with your membership, you’ll also have a chance to sign up for fitness classes with an instructor. Classes will be offered on Tuesday evenings out of the Gym at HAECC.

Scouting time!
The 1st Huntingdon Scouting group have signed a new partnership for the fall to run their activities out of HAECC and Heritage. Beavers and Cubs will be based out of HAECC and the Scouts will be based out of Heritage as a partnership has also been signed with the Girl Guides of Canada to run their activities out of Heritage which includes Sparks, Brownies and Girl Guides.

365 days a year
The Chateauguay Valley CLC was also very busy the last couple months as they prepared for the upcoming coming school year by:

    • Attending each schools/centres’ Curriculum Nights to showcase upcoming CLC activities and events:  Basketball, Badminton, Floor Hockey, Volleyball, Irish Dance, Personal Weight Training
    • Assisted the HEAL working meetings to finalize this year’s teacher’s calendars.
    • Showcased upcoming Fall activities during Ormstown’s 125th Anniversary Event
    • Video conferenced with the LEARN Provincial Resource Team to develop strategies and goals for the up-coming school year
    • Will assist with the C.V.R. Parent Action Group during their 3rd annual fundraiser:  “Savoury Treasures of the Valley”, showcasing local produce.  Please share date and invite:  Sunday, September 28th from 11h00 to 17h00 at C.V.R.
    • Attended  McGill’s “Celebrating Lifelong Learning” Conference to network and learn more about seniors and lifelong learning opportunities (Memphremagog CLC Coordinator, Pervana Mladenof presented a workshop showcasing her lifelong learning programs.)
    • Booked four evenings of CLC activities at Ormstown Elementary for the fall session as the CVR gymnasium is under renovations.
    • Met with Mike Helm to develop a Task Chart for the upcoming HEAL event in May.

Inauguration de la ruelle verte près de l’Institut Gault:On August 28th Gault Institute helped inaugurate the 4th « Green Alley » in Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, called the “ruelle des Tisserands”. This project was spearheaded by the PRAQ (Pour un Réseau Actif dans nos Quartiers) with help from its partners Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi (CJE), le MUSO and of course Gault Institute. The students participated in workshops about planting and learning how to create garden boxes done by l’Office Municipal d’Habitation (OMH). Be sure to check out the article:

La « ruelle des Tisserands » is now green and « tasty » with fresh fruits and vegetables and adorned with beautiful flowers. Students from Grade 1 & 2 visited the alleyway to taste some of the produce and get an explication from Audrée Bourdeau of the PRAQ of its purpose.

Little Gault Gardeners

Mme Griffiths and her students from Cycle 1 & 2 cleaned up and cultivated the Gault community garden outside of the school during the first week of school. They ended up picking tomatoes in order to prepare themselves a delectable lunch which included tomato sandwiches and salad. Thank you to parent volunteers Bibiane Tremblay and Sylvain Moise for helping out.

Thank to Mr. B. and Mr. Freeze!
Once the thermometer reached 33degrees Celsius, Mr. B. made sure that he invited Mr. Freeze to make a special appearance at Gault. Students definitely appreciated the visit from the Mr. B’s friend.

The Big Board
New at CVR is the – Community/School Volunteer Board where organizations can advertise while searching for volunteers for their events in order for students have a designated area to this information.

One parent’s comment already…`”This is great!  Students will now have a place to see where volunteers are needed in their communities which will assist them with their Universal Program volunteer hours”.

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