Powtoon, iMovie and Youtube. Three great ways for student creations.

This tech corner is dedicated to the SVIS  (Socio-Vocational Integration Services Class) at HAECC.

We are always looking at innovative ways to engage our students. One might debate how to motivate and what it is coupled with to ultimately create life long learners but the bottom line is: increased motivation improves success. Johanna Cardinal is the SVIS teacher at HAECC and is always looking for fun and innovative ways to meet her students where they’re at. Technology has become a useful tool for her students to express themselves, enhance their learning and self-confidence. The result is increased motivation.

Johanna has created a Youtube channel as a platform to share her students’ work. The class used the website Powtoons to create free animated presentations. The students type in their text and apply the animation tool and POW the toon is created.
Have a look:

Johanna’s class is working on their interview and conversational skills.  After a workshop on how to use iMovie, the students are recording themselves engaged in these situations. This formative assessment tools allows the students to evaluate themselves and Johanna to provide them with feedback on their progress.
Have a look at one of the  videos:

The exciting part about this iMovie process is that one student films the other and then they cooperate to edit and create their final product. They are excited about the presentation and it’s posting on Youtube. They are able to create a video portfolio they can keep and share with family and friends. The incentive extends outside of a simple assignment and spreads out into their everyday lives. Thus motivation is enhanced.
Have a look at SVIS Youtube channel for more wonderful video projects.

Maybe you have a story where technology has helped increase a teaching or learning goal and would like to share it with us.  If so please contact me at:

Till next time, Bil Legge (RECIT Consultant)


Previous Tech Corners

Corner-blended learning, camera calculator (Edition 2)

– Using iMovie (Edition 1)

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