Full Circle

I started as a drafting student in the New Frontiers School Board seventeen years ago. I found the course challenging and very rewarding. The teachers were knowledgeable, they prepared informative lessons and they gave one-on-one time when it was needed. I enjoyed my time at school very much. After completion of the course I quickly found a good paying job in an architect’s office where I worked for almost eight years. After feeling I needed a change, I easily found another job at an engineering firm. I stayed there for eight years and really enjoyed the work. During this time I was also able to open my own company and create drawings for people. The drafting course opened so many doors for me in an industry that I really love. My greatest joy came when I moved back to the Montreal area and found a teaching position at the very same school board that started it all for me. I am now able to teach a whole new generation of students with the practical and real life experience I have gained.

Jason Sheppard
Drafting teacher, CVCEC

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