Alumni Corner


Obsession Bakery has become a staple in the community. A thriving business today, it started from an idea by Anne Fradette-Brunet and her daughter Caroline Brunet to create something special. They both took the Starting A Business program and made their dream a reality. The ups and downs, the community involvement and the local celebrity...
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Since November 4th, two current Administrative Assistant students are providing lunch time reception coverage at NFSB Board Office. Chosen by their teachers, the two girls (Jennifer Durand and Chelsea Dion-Koulierakis) will alternate weeks by answering phones, greeting clients, and assisting board office staff.  In return, both girls will have the opportunity to gain true life...
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Mr. Poya Saffari graduated from the CVCEC carpentry program in 2010. Poya has since gone on to complete a bachelor of arts and is completing a masters at Concordia University. Poya returned to us as a carpentry teacher in the spring of 2013. He has a quiet demeanor, he is patient with the students and...
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Jovan Mercier Montminy graduated from the carpentry program in 2010 and became one of our teachers this spring. Jovan brings with him experience in the LEED certification program and ecological projects. Students show great respect for Jovan as he “is one of them”, having been through the program. Tanya Clarke graduated from the Health, Assistance...
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Our Centres


Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tel: 450 829-2396

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