Automobile Mechanics


Did you know we have French speaking students taking vocational programs in our Centres? Choosing to do a vocational program in an English institution in Quebec is open to everyone, as linguistic laws do not apply in the vocational sector. Our francophone students are learning the trade they love while improving their English language skills at...
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This year again, our graduation ceremony was held in June.  We had a very-well attended ceremony, as the number of students registered in our programs increased dramatically during the last few years.  Our first graduates from our international cohorts were also present, something we are very proud of!  The organizing committee did a wonderful job,...
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Why Choose us? You have been searching for your passion. The journey is not easy and you need some help to figure out what to do next, to get onto the track you want, to get going and moving forward. Why Choose us? You know you are really smart and ready for a new challenge. The biggest step...
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On Thursday the 30th of April, NOVA Career Centre participated in a career fair at Kanesatake, held at the Ratihente High School and organized by the Kanesatake Human Resources Office. Teachers (and few current students) from the Automobile Mechanics, Welding, Hairdressing, Secretarial Studies & Accounting, Interior Decorating and Visual Display and Homecare Assistance departments attended the...
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Busy day in NOVA Auto!…Well, actually almost any day is busy in Auto, but today was particularly so. Why’s that? We had a visit from some students from another school! We have an “entente” with the Riverside School Board to offer an Automotive Mechanics DEP on their territory, so we invited them for a visit...
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Again this year, we hosted a visit from students from the PASS program. The Providing Alternative Student Support (PASS) program is a pilot project that focuses on providing additional academic and social support to some students. Their trips to NOVA, both a tour of the facility and student for the day, helped them discover what programs are...
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Recently NOVA Auto played host to a total of thirty-five automotive instructors coming from different schools such as; the West Island Career Centre, Laurier Macdonald Career Centre, Western Quebec Career Centre, and of course, NOVA. All had the same goal; to enrich our students’ learning using new, relevant techniques and technology.  Once again we were...
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Our Centres


Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tel: 450 829-2396

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