

To make sure he could pick a career path he really wanted, Marc Poissant registered at the NOVA Career and Adult Education Center where he completed enriched Math and Science with success. Marc then chose Computer Science at Dawson College from which he graduated last Spring while receiving the “Highest Academic Achievement” award, meaning he...
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“I used to hate going to school but when I was at NOVA, I’d wake up in the morning… “Yes! I have to go to school” – Best year and a half of my life!” Learning Automobile mechanics changed Mike’s life. Watch our latest edition of the Alumni Corner.  
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At the Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre, the students in the Construction Carpentry Program have been hard at work throughout the summer and into the fall. One of the groups have been working on the concrete formwork modules and are currently building forms for columns, beams and suspended slabs: However, all work and no play make...
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Huntingdon Adult Education and Community Centre (HAECC) is up and running with more action than ever before! With numbers up in academics, SVIS and SFIS there are new faces being welcomed every day.  The Horticulture program has also started for another year with nine new keen students looking to spruce up their skills in gardening. ...
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Offered at NOVA Career centre, these courses will allow you to learn the basics or improve your skills. In just 15 hours you will learn to, or improve yours skills to: Create, Open, View and Print documents Move, Copy and Edit text Format pages and paragraphs, Use various characters Set tabs and indents Create and Formattables Manage files Use toolbars WORD 2010 NOVA Career Centre Basics:...
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Our international student population at the NOVA Career Centre has grown exponentially over the last two years. We are receiving more and more requests from international students who wish to study a vocational program in Chateauguay. As more and more students come to our centres we are becoming internationally known as one of the hot-spots...
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Chateauguay CLC – FALL 2015 Brochure. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD – BROCHURE The Brochure will be sent home in the coming week @ Centennial Park, Mary Gardner and St. Willibrord Schools; it will also be sent via email by Harmony Elementary. For more information contact CLC Chateauguay technician, Anthony Spadaccino – or call 450-691-1440 ext; 220. Chateauguay...
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Are YOU a caregiver? Or maybe YOU are becoming a caregiver? A natural caregiver is someone taking care of a family member, a friend, or a neighbour. This unpaid role is extremely valuable and has a real physical, emotional and social impact, for you and the person you are helping, but it can also be...
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Looking to improve his work situation while being employed by the City of Montreal, Graziano Franchini decided to take the Horticulture and Garden Centre Operations program @ HAECC. That was a year ago. Now having completed the program Graziano has a higher salary, a new position, more responsibility and is absolutely over the moon with his...
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During this steamy summer the Interior Decorating and Visual Display Department’s senior students have been hard at work in our huge display window! As part of our Promotional Space Competency the students and I decided to hold the 1st “Nova Design Contest”. The students gained the experience of researching the finer details of holding a...
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Our Centres


Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tel: 450 829-2396

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