Pedagogy is the vehicle. Technology is the accelerator! (Tech Corner)

A Cool Technology and Education Conference for Everybody (part 1 of 2)

In this TECH CORNER we will highlight some of the wonderful presentations and resources from CONNECT 2015 conference in Niagara Falls, Canada.

A high school student from the Niagara Region ran by me as he entered to listen to the keynote speaker. We both paused at the door to find a seat.  I said, “You look excited.” He responded, “Do you know who this is? This guy is a Make space and mind craft junky.  He makes his students do it in school.”  Apparently, I should have known about Eric. “Tell your story!” was Eric Sheninger’s final message in CONNECT 2015 keynote address.  During the presentation, Eric had done just that. As the principal of New Milford High School (NMHS) in New Jersey, he helped transform the learning culture of teachers and students, profoundly altering student success rate and performance using the deliberate and productive practice of technology.

Listen to Eric’s TEDx presentation as he explains his vision and the success of his school.

CBS News New York heard Sheninger’s story and produced segments about some of their initiatives.Check out the CBS News segment on NMHS’s Maker space initiative.

CBS News also explored NMHS’s pilot project on virtual learning.

Eric’s keynote touched on many educational technology tools that I will be writing about in the next two TECH corners. But his focus on leadership and trust and how these two traits’ connect to the confidence of taking learning and teaching risks by both teachers and students was his main theme.  His quote, “Pedagogy is the vehicle. Technology is the accelerator!” was a powerful statement but his emphasis on trust to build this risk taking accelerated the use of the technology that lead to the success of his team.  So what I am saying is TAKE THE RISK!!!

I will conclude this Tech Corner with a few links.
Listen to what Eric has to say on Digital Leadership.

Eric’s website.

Eric’s blog:

Eric talks about the brilliance of his team and particularly about New Milford High School’s visionary librarian, Laura Fleming. Laura has become a Library Media Specialist and is an enormous advocate for interactive multimedia technology and pedagogy.  Check out her blog, Worlds of Learning.

These are some incredibly innovative educators. I can definitely see why that high school student was so excited.
This concludes part 1 of CONNECT 2015.

If you have a story where technology has helped increase a teaching or learning goal and would like to share it with us.  If so please contact me at:
Till next time, Bill Legge (RECIT consultant)

Previous Tech Corners
 Kahooting in class (Edition 5)
Using Edmodo to communicate (Edition 4)
 Powtoon, iMovie and Youtube (Edition 3)
 Corner-blended learning, camera calculator (Edition 2)
– Using iMovie (Edition 1)

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