Perseverance pays off!

In March 2013 a very eager student, named Tony Reid, registered in Carpentry. He began the program in the same way as most of his classmates do, he was committed to complete the DEP (diplôme d’études professionnelles) in Carpentry. Tony struggled with trying to juggle work, family life and carpentry. His studies suffered because of it and he was not able to complete the program in the regular one-year timeframe. But Tony remained committed and opted to continue with the program as an independent student. And now almost 3 years later, he has just completed his DEP in Carpentry.


CVCEC (Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre) offers students the opportunity to complete the program in various paths. We can help you find the path that best suits YOU.

Alice Loney (Vocational Technician)

(pictured: Ms. Loney and Mr. Reid)

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