Stepping Up To The Challenge

They say, “all good things must come to an end”, but what may seem like the end is really just a new beginning. The last practical module in the carpentry program deals with the design, calculation and the construction of stairs. Using some baseline parameters and working in paired groups, students are encouraged to be creative and use this final module as a way to employ their design sense; they need to adhere to construction guidelines but as to how it looks, it’s up to them.

Of course there is a sense that the time they’ve spent together will soon come to an end but there is also an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. All of the students arrive at the same conclusion, “ the year went by so fast”, and all of them leave changed, a little different from the way they arrived. Sure, they’ve learned a lot about carpentry, but more importantly they have a new destination, the future.

Congratulations to our latest graduating class

Don Gillies

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