There will be NO shuttle bus service Thursday, February 6 and Friday, February 7. Sorry for the inconvenience!


There will be NO shuttle bus service Thursday, February 6 and Friday, February 7. Sorry for the inconvenience!

May 25, 2017


The inside of the home is getting touch-ups, fixtures, paint and everything else needed to have the house ready for Stacey and her family to come and live in this summer. The outside however… needs lots of work. Who you going to call? The Landscaping department to the rescue! Students and staff get to work...
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We are selling our one-of-a-kind unique RV and pick-up truck from our Continuing Education Department. Price non-negotiable: $3500 (for truck and camper) Truck model: Toyota year: 1988 Miledge: 98065 km motor: 2.4 liters Upgrades needed: likely needs a new battery and fix an oil leak Camper: Econo (RS175) year: 1992 For more or visit, please...
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Our Centres


Chateauguay Valley Career Education Centre
46 Roy
Ormstown, QC J0S 1K0
Tel: 450 829-2396

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